Before you Book

Check Availability


Communicate with the booking manager

  • Let the booking manager know you will have video at your show. You can let them know I will be the one shooting. Many managers already know my set up.
  • If you have any questions or the manager has any questions, text or email, and I will get back to you asap.

Communicate with the tech person

  • Let the tech person know that you will have video. (Sometimes they do not get the information from the booking managers.)
  • Most of the suggestions are going to come from the tech person who will be setting up lights and vocal/instrument microphones. Let them know if you have special concerns. You can make special requests and most can be accommodated if asked early enough in the process. Remember, the tech generally knows the room very well, and will let you know if they think something will work or not.
  • If video and audio from the sound board are super important, let them know that it is a priority.

Communicate details with me

  • How many will join you on stage?
  • Will there will be duets or background singers?
  • How will you enter? Will you take time before getting on stage, go straight up to the stage, or be on the stage at the beginning of the show?
  • Will you leave the stage to be in the audience?
  • Share anything that will likely affect the video recording.